sheets were used to create the aviary floor.
The white veneer is water resistant and easy
to clean.
floor was constructed from 3/4" thick melamine (a
particle board with a white veneer, frequently used for
shelving units). Two 4x8-ft pieces were cut down to fit
half the aviary floor each (width of about 30", length
of about 6.5 ft) and were laid down on the structural
frame, meeting in the center. The floor is not permanently
attached to the aviary, but is encased by the aviary front
and the aviary frame so that it cannot move from side
to side. Because there is no room for it to move, it does
not need to be bolted down.
used this type of board before - as the floor in our original
aviary and as the floor in a large flight Tom built. It
works very well because the veneer is smooth and very
easy to clean, as well as water resistant. You have to
make sure not to damage the veneer on installation, however,
since the particle board beneath can swell up if exposed
to excessive moisture.
While in the past, I've never had problems with this surface
and exposure to moisture, I have recently noticed slight
swelling in the location of the bird bath. To date, it
has not been enough to be a problem. To counter this,
I place a little extra paper over the questionable spot
so that it stays drier. I am looking into finding a cheep
sheet of plastic or other water-resistant material to
set over this spot only.